The Jackson County Board of Election Commissioners requires many election workers for the four election days offered each year (February, April, August, and November).  The Board has many election workers who faithfully work each and every available election, but we are always in need of more help.  Most who dedicate their time on Election Day find they make many new friends and feel they have contributed to their community by helping with the election process.  If you are interested in working, please fill out the questionnaire for the position which best suits your skill level and interest.

Per State Statute 115.085 RSMo:

Qualifications of election judges - No person shall be appointed to serve as an election judge who is not a registered voter in this state. Each election judge shall be a person of good repute and character who can speak, read, and write the English language. No person shall serve as an election judge at any polling place in which his or her name or the name of a relative within the second degree, by consanguinity or affinity, appears on the ballot. However, no relative of any unopposed candidate shall be disqualified from serving as an election judge in any election jurisdiction of the state. No election judge shall, during his or her term of office, hold any other elective public office, other than as a member of a political party committee or township office, except any person who is elected to a board or commission of a political subdivision or special district may serve as an election judge except at a polling place where such political subdivision or special district has an issue or candidate on the ballot.

    Election Judges are required to work in pairs, representing the two major political parties, Democrats and Republicans, and therefore you will be asked to choose which party you want to represent.  Attendance to an assigned training session is required before each election.

    If you would like to be an election worker in any of the below roles please print and complete the Election Worker/Poll Worker Questionnaire form at the bottom of the page and email, mail or fax the completed form to our office.


      Election Judge

      Supervisor Judge $275.00 + $25.00 (Training)
      Regular Judge $250.00 + $25.00 (Training)
      Standby Judge $100.00 + $25.00 (Training)

      Election Poll Workers (Judges) arrive at their assigned poll location by 5:00 a.m. to begin the process of preparing the poll for voters and must have the process completed by 6:00 a.m., at which time voting commences. The Judges will ready the PBC, ADA and Voting Stations immediately upon arrival at the poll. The judges will unpack all supplies (poll books, ballots, and other necessary supplies) following the instructions provided at their training session.

      At 7:00 p.m. the team of Judges closes the poll following the closing instructions and prepares the necessary items to be returned to their appointed delivery location.

        Election Judge

        E-Poll Book Judge $275.00 + $25.00 (Training)
        Standby E-Judge $100.00 + $25.00 (Training)

        E-Poll Book Judges arrive at their assigned poll location by 5:00 a.m. and work until the poll is closed by the Election Judges on Election Day. Duties include tablet setup, processing voters by checking ID, directing voters to their correct polling location, registering voters and processing text messages, as well as assisting the Election Judges with other poll equipment setup and tear-down.  E-Poll Book Judges must feel comfortable with using a tablet in their primary duty of checking in voters. The ideal E-Poll Book Judge will demonstrate these abilities and skills:

        • great communication skills and a friendly personality,
        • learns quickly and follows instructions,
        • computer operation skills, and
        • neat and accurate forms completion


        Deputy $275.00 + $25.00 (Training)
        Deputy-Night $50.00
        Standby Deputy $100.00 + $25.00 (Training)

        Deputy Cell Phone Stipend – $10.00
        Mileage – $0.700 per mile (or approved rate)

        Deputies begin their day at 5:00 a.m., making an initial visit to their assigned polls individually. Once the initial delivery of the blue bag has been made to their polls, they meet their partner and serve as a team for the remainder of the day. Each Deputy team consists of two individuals representing the two major political parties – Democrat and Republican. Deputies are an extension of the staff of the Jackson County Board of Election Commissioners. Their prime responsibilities are to assist Election Judges with voter problems, replenish election supplies in the polls and render support to the judges on Election Day. Each team visits approximately ten different polls four times during the day. Most of the Deputies serve as pick-up teams after the polls close, transporting the ballot carriers from all locations in Eastern Jackson County to the Election Board office in Independence. Others are assigned to night duties at the Election Board office. Each Deputy is assigned to attend a required training session the night before the election. At this training, the Deputies will receive all supplies needed for the following day.

          Office Worker

          Office Day Worker $16.07 (Hourly Rate)

          Office Day Workers arrive at the Election Board Office at 5:00 a.m. and work until the ballots are tabulated, usually around 9:30 p.m. Typical duties assigned to Office Workers include (but are not limited to) answering the phone and taking questions from the public and election poll Judges, counting Absentee ballots, receiving ballot carriers and preparing ballots for counting. Office Day Workers are required to attend a training session prior to Election Day so that they may better serve the callers.

          Office Worker

          Office Night Worker $50 (Election Night)

          Office Night Workers arrive at the Election Board office around 6:45 p.m. and work until all ballots are tabulated, usually around 9:30 p.m. They perform various duties from transporting ballot carriers to preparing the ballots for counting. There is an equal number of Republicans and Democrats working in teams participating in the process. No training is necessary, as all new election workers have a teammate who has served as an Election Worker before.


            Election Worker/Poll Worker Questionnaire  [PDF]

            Election Worker Manual  [PDF]

            Links above require Adobe Acrobat to open. Click the icon on the left for FREE download.